Carbon Neutral Vision/Energy Transition 2030

Aiming to Become Carbon Neutral by 2050

The Daigas Group aims to become carbon neutral by 2050. We plan to reach the goal through decarbonization of our gas and electricity by introducing methanation* to generate gas with renewable energy and hydrogen and by increasing the share of renewables in its power generation portfolio. We also announced our "Carbon Neutral Vision" in January 2021 to show our efforts to achieve it.

  • * Technology to generate methane using hydrogen and CO2

Development of Daigas Group Energy Transition 2030

In March 2023, the Daigas Group announced Energy Transition 2030 (ET2030), which provided an overall picture of the path toward low-carbon/carbon-neutral energy solutions. The Group will accelerate its efforts to combat climate change toward its medium- to long-term targets. ET2030 depicts an overall picture of low-carbon or carbon-neutral energy solutions. A lot of time and social cost will be required to achieve technological innovation and build a new supply chain for achieving carbon neutrality. Thus, it is essential to reliably promote decarbonization until such technological innovation is attained. It is also important to select the optimal energy type and supply system according to the customer's energy usage characteristics, such as the electricity and heat usage balance and location. We will reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 2030 by shifting from coal and oil to natural gas and seamless transition to decarbonization through the introduction of e-methane and biogas in the future. Focusing on these efforts, we will promote the decarbonization of power sources, including the use of hydrogen and ammonia, power generation using renewable energy, and development of zero-emission thermal power plants while accommodating customer needs.

■Carbon Neutral Vision and Energy Transition 2030

Carbon Neutral Vision and Energy Transition 2030

■Overall picture of transition to low-carbon/carbon-neutral energy

Overall picture of transition to low-carbon/carbon-neutral energy

Daigas Group’s CO2 Emissions Reduction Roadmap

In Energy Transition 2030, we have declared targets for 2030 and 2050 regarding CO2 emissions in our domestic supply chain and avoided emissions in the whole society, and presented a CO2 emissions reduction roadmap. Through such measures as the 1% introduction of "e-methane" into existing infrastructure, we will aim to reduce the CO2 emissions of the Daigas Group’s supply chain in Japan by 5 million tons, and 10 million tons of avoided emissions in society as a whole in FY2031.3 through the Group’s activities. After the introduction of "e-methane" in FY2031.3, we will pursue decarbonization through its wider use.

■CO2 Emissions Reduction Roadmap

CO2 Emissions Reduction Roadmap

President's Commitment Carbon Neutral Vision/
Energy Transition 2030
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