Materiality Review Cycle

Materiality Review Cycle

The Daigas Group identifies the materiality for the Group as a means of grasping the possible impacts of the Group's business activities on the environment and society, and conducting its business operations while managing ongoing impacts and these possible impacts. The Group identified materiality for the first time in FY2014, and has been conducting PDCA management since FY2015. Every year, the progress of actions taken under each indicator is confirmed while problems to be tackled are studied in light of the progress made. Fields whose indicators are found to be short of the required levels are improved and managed properly. The Daigas Group will continue to review materiality on a cyclical basis and fulfill its responsibility to the environment and society. By doing so, we aim to create value for stakeholders and contribute to the development of a sustainable society.

Materiality Review Cycle

STEP 1: Evaluate Materiality Activities

We will comprehensively evaluate the activities undertaken every year under each materiality item. Subject to the evaluation is the progress of CSR actions under main KPIs. We will also check whether each target has been set appropriately while recognizing what has been achieved and what remains as problems.
In evaluating materiality activities, we will interview persons in charge of management in relevant in-house sections, while holding meetings with outside experts. Based on the interviews and the meetings, we will sort out new issues and important issues to be studied for materiality review.
Indicators under the previous materiality (FY2019 - FY2021), and its results and evaluation are shown below.

■ Indicators under the previous materiality (FY2019 - FY2021), and its results and evaluation

Materiality Indicator Changes from previous indicator Goal from FY2019 onward FY2019
Customer Health and Safety Percentage of city gas for which health and safety impacts are assessed for improvement against total city gas provided by Osaka Gas 100% 100% 100% 100%
Energy / Emissions
Boundary expanded

Contribution to reduction in CO2 emissions
Reduction of 7 million tons
(FY2021 goal)
Total reduction of 1.67 million tons Total reduction of 3.32 million tons Total reduction of 5.60 million tons
Local Communities Percentage of operations with implemented local community engagement, impact assessments and development programs 100% 100% 100% 100%
Customer Privacy Total number of substantiated complaints regarding breaches of customer privacy Assessment of management situation Took measures to prevent recurrence of mishandling of information No substantiated complaints were filed against the Daigas Group for breaches of customer privacy. No substantiated complaints were filed against the Daigas Group for breaches of customer privacy.
Training and Education
Newly established

Average hours of training per year per employee
Development of human resources, improvement of work environment

Average hours of training per employee: 25.1

e-Learning (security, information security, environment) program
No. of participants:


No. of hours:

3.67 hours/person

  • * Partly includes temporary employees and part-time workers

Average hours of training per employee: 25.3

e-Learning (security, information security, environment) program
No. of participants:


No. of hours:

3.17 hours/person

  • * Partly includes temporary employees and part-time workers

Average hours of training per employee: 25.1

e-Learning (security, information security, environment) program
No. of participants:


No. of hours:

3.61 hours/person

  • * Partly includes temporary employees and part-time workers
Diversity and Equal Opportunity
Newly established

Percentage breakdown of employees and executives by gender and age
Promotion of diversity Percentage of women among personnel hired for career-track positions:


Percentage of women in management positions:*


  • *Positions of manager or higher
Percentage of women among personnel hired for career-track positions:


Percentage of women in management positions:*


  • *Positions of manager or higher
Percentage of women among personnel hired for career-track positions in April 2020:


Percentage of women in management positions:*


  • *Positions of manager or higher
Common Themes Supplier Assessment
(Impact on the environment and society, human rights and labor practices)
Boundary expanded

Percentage of new suppliers of materials that have been selected using criteria regarding the impact on the environment and society, human rights and labor practices
100% 100% 100% 100%
Economic Performance
Content changed

Financial impacts, risks and opportunities due to climate change
Recognition of risks and opportunities Recognition of risks and opportunities Recognition of risks and opportunities Recognition of risks and opportunities

STEP 2: Decide the Order of Materiality Items according to Priority and Identify Boundaries to Be Managed

Through repeated discussions with the relevant internal organizations, we identify materiality items that must be given higher priority, as well as internal and outside “boundaries” that must be addressed. This process takes into consideration our business operations and changes in the business environment, as well as social trends related to sustainability. In the latest materiality review process, we took into consideration the Long-Term Management Vision 2030, which was compiled in March 2017, and the Medium-Term Management Plan 2023, which was compiled in March 2021. In terms of social trends, we focused on global risks, changes in the business environment, and the contribution to the SDGs through our business.

STEP 3: Confirm if the Reviewed Materiality Is Appropriate through Outside Experts and Dialogue with Them

Following internal examinations and reviews of the materiality, we request an evaluation of the appropriateness of the materiality to outside experts in certain fields, who represent the voices of society and stakeholders.
The experts are asked to provide opinions on whether the items recognized by us as materiality are appropriate, and whether there are any other items that should be recognized as materiality in light of the perceived views of society and our stakeholders. We will examine the materiality once again based on these opinions.

STEP 4: Identify New Materiality

We finalize the newly identified materiality items and key performance indicators (KPIs) with the approval of the Group's ESG Committee, the ESG Council, and the Board of Directors, and establish a management framework before implementing the necessary initiatives.

President's Commitment Carbon Neutral Vision/
Energy Transition 2030
Sustainability Report(9.5MB) Integrated Report(12.5MB)
Management Plan
Management Plan Documents Long-Term Management Vision 2030 Medium-Term Management Plan 2023
Daigas Group's Values
Daigas Group's Values Daigas Group Corporate Principles Daigas Group Charter of Business Conduct Daigas Group Code of Business Conduct Our Declaration Daigas Group Policies
Sustainability Management
Promotion System Materiality Stakeholder Engagement History of Co-creation of Value Value Creation Process
Environment Environmental Management Daigas Group Environmental Policy Estimation Method of Environmental Accounting Environmental Management Efficiency Environmental Impact throughout the Daigas Group Value Chain Environmental Targets Actions for Climate Change Assessment of CO₂ Emissions Reduction Effects Disclosure based on the TCFD Recommendations, Recognition of and Actions on Risks and Opportunities Contributing to the Resource-Recycling Society Data Trends Regarding Resource Recycling Information Disclosure on the Research Results of Soil and Groundwater Conservation Biodiversity Daigas Group Biodiversity Policy Development of Environmental Technology
Social Innovation Management Human Resources Management Human Resources Development Diversity and Inclusion Daigas Group Diversity Promotion Policy Work-life Balance Occupational Health and Safety Health and Safety Action Plan Communication Between Employees and Company Human Rights Daigas Group Human Rights Policy Supply Chain Management Daigas Group Procurement Policy Social Impact of Business Activities in Our Energy Value Chain Customer Health and Safety Improvement of Customer Satisfaction Community
Governance Corporate Governance Message from the Outside Directors Compliance Consultations and Reports from Partner Companies Information Security Protect Personal Information
Initiatives for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Commendation from the Outside Initiatives the Daigas Group Participates In
ESG Data
Third-Party Verification Environmental Performance Data Social Data
*Updated August 2024
Governance Data
Reporting Guidelines
Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Index SASB Table Reference for the Environmental Reporting Guidelines of the Ministry of the Environment TCFD Recommendations Table
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