Industrial furnaces, burners
HEC Fryer
Continuous fryers are used by food service providers, caterers, and convenience store vendors. Conventional gas-powered fryers have the following issues.
・Exhaust gas is discharged to the production site at a high temperature (about 500℃), causing deterioration of the work environment.
・Efficiency is as low as 40%, resulting in higher fuel costs.
・Uneven heating of the oil tank accelerates deterioration of oil due to local heating.
Osaka Gas has developed a high-efficiency continuous fryer that can solve these issues.
Comparison of Various Fryer Heating Systems


Features of Equipment

The heating system has been improved to achieve a high efficiency. The exhaust temperature can be reduced to less than 100℃, which is lower than the oil temperature, contributing to the improvement of the work environment!

The oil circulation pump keeps the outlet temperature at a high temperature, so the texture of fried food is improved!

Oxidation is mitigated by reducing local heating of oil, and oil consumption is reduced by improving the removal of oil from fried food!

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