Enhancing Resilience of Customers and Society
-Daigas Group’s Initiatives

Our Business

Recognition of External Environment

Heightened global geopolitical risks, changes in the global situation, and accelerating decarbonization trend have resulted in an unstable energy demand-supply balance, making the world reaffirm the importance of a stable energy supply.
As the Daigas Group is responsible for social infrastructure essential to people’s life and industry, a stable supply of energy and maintenance of safety are our most critical missions. To keep supplying energy in a safe and stable manner, we need to respond promptly and appropriately to incessant changes in the business environment.

Review of FY2023.3 and Future Strategy

In FY2023.3, we worked on further enhancement of safety and stability in securing LNG and electricity, as well as in each part of the energy supply chain.
In LNG procurement, we will strive to secure LNG more flexibly to further enhance energy resilience. In electricity procurement, we will achieve stable power supply through in-house power generation and procurement, and establish a power source portfolio centered on highly efficient LNG thermal power plants and renewables. In addition, we will maintain a stable supply by taking advantage of AI and other digital transformation initiatives to upgrade conventional measures.

Taking measures against infectious diseases such as COVID-19

Indicators and FY2023.3 Results

Number of serious accidents Zero serious accidents

Ensuring the safety of gas, gas production, and power generation facilities is our top priority. We therefore consider it important to work toward better safety.
We achieved continued zero serious accidents for FY2023.3 by carrying out quality control of gas in gas production facilities and safety inspection of gas pipelines and supply facilities in the gas supply business. The procedures were conducted based on guidelines in accordance with laws and regulations as well as in-house rules.
Although it did not lead to a serious accident, a fire broke out in a fuel storage silo at Sodegaura Biomass Power Plant, which an affiliate of Osaka Gas had built and was in the process of commissioning. The fire neither caused any injuries nor affected the gas supply.

Build resilient energy supply facilities Ratio of strengthening of earthquake resistance: Approx.89%
Number of block divisions of supply network:713blocks

For a stable gas supply, we consider it important to strive to conduct scheduled facility updates, extend the pipeline network, and take disaster prevention measures, thereby strengthening the base for better supply stability.
Based on the Gas Safety Enhancement Plan by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, we have been working to increase the ratio of strengthening of earthquake resistance, which is the percentage of earthquake-resistant pipelines. We have also been dividing supply blocks into smaller segments to minimize the scope of emergency gas suspension (measures to prevent secondary disasters).
We believe that we can improve energy resilience by enhancing earthquake resistance as precautionary measures, as well as by minimizing earthquake damage and achieving early recovery.